1. Projects and studies on law in Action
2. Projects in development cooperation
3. Individualized services
4. Publications, Seminars & Conferences
Projects and
studies on law in Action
- Studies on current legal practices in different jurisdictions
- Studies on access to justice
- Studies on legal preconditions of political initiatives
- Evaluation of projects, studies and activities as well as their
practical implications
- Empirical studies, including the preparation of questionnaires and
data analysis
Projects in
development cooperation
- Preparation and production of legal texts, such as drafts of statutes
and regulations
- Agency for consultants and technical advisers
- Composition and management of expert teams on projects
- Consultancy on project development and invitations to tender
- Legal research, library services, search and copies of statutes
and legal texts of selected jurisdictions
- Contact to and consultancy on selection of attorneys abroad
- Background research for political initiatives and lobbying
- Consultancy on projects and the preparation of tender offers
Seminars and Conferences
- Publications and seminars on cross-border legal interactions
- Consultancy on, planning,organization and management of localized
and web-based conferences, including supporting cultural programme